If you use a mobile phone connected to a UK network but are currently overseas (i.e. you are roaming), you should check how to dial a UK number from your handset. Many handsets use dial-assist services, allowing you to dial the same number as if you were physically in the UK.
Depending on your mobile device/network you will need to format your dial-in number in one of three ways. As an example:
Dial 0 3...
Dial +44 3...
Dial 0044 3...
If you hear a welcome message asking you to enter your conference room number and PIN, you have successfully connected to the service and can proceed.
Tip: Dial in before your scheduled call time to check everything's working! You should hear 'Welcome to WHYPAY?...' and you should be able to enter your room number/PIN without any issues.
Still l having trouble?
A handful of international carriers may not deliver calls to UK 03 numbers. If you experience any difficulty dialling the 03 number on your conference invitation, please try dialling the alternative international dial-in number (which should also be displayed on your invitation).
Contact the conference organiser if you cannot locate this number.
Call charges
European Union
If you are using a mobile phone connected to a UK network and are calling from within the European Union, your call is included in your bundled minutes, just as it is from within the UK. Take a look at this page on the Ofcom website for further information about EU roaming.
Rest of World
If you are calling from a UK number whilst outside the EU, please check your roaming package with your mobile operator.
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