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Telephone keypad controls

Mute yourself or other participants, lock the conference room, count or remove participants, all whilst the conference call is happening.

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Updated over a week ago

WHYPAY? accounts with Moderator features enabled have access to telephone keypad controls. These controls allow participants to execute commands during the conference call, using their telephone keypad 

Only once a conference has started can keypad controls be accessed. After the conference start, participants can hear which controls are available to them by pressing the * key. Try not to press the key combinations too quickly. Press the * key first until you hear the options being announced, and then press the relevant number (see below).

Guest keypad controls

Guests, who dial in using the normal 4-digit PIN, have access to the following controls:

* 1 - Mute / unmute yourself

Guests cannot access this command in Panel mode. Guests also cannot unmute themselves if a Moderator has manually muted all Guests (see below).

Moderator keypad controls

The Moderator keypad controls are only accessible to Moderators (those who have dialled in using the 5-digit Moderator PIN). Don't forget, multiple participants can be Moderators on a single conference. 

* 1  - Mute or unmute yourself;

* 2 - Mute / unmute all Guests;

* 3 - Hear the current number of participants;

* 4 - Lock / unlock the conference to further Guests;

* 5 - Remove all Guests from the conference.

Bear in mind...

  • If a Moderator mutes all Guests (*2) they will not be able to unmute themselves until a Moderator unmutes all Guests.

  • If a Moderator unmutes all Guests at any point, they will still be able to mute themselves individually (except in Panel mode).

  • When in Listen or Panel mode Guests are automatically muted when they join, so to unmute them, Moderators must use the mute / unmute command twice.

  • When in Listen or Panel mode new Guests always join muted, even if a Moderator has unmuted existing Guests (*2).

  • When using keypad commands make sure your device itself is not muted, as this will prevent them from working at all.

Muting modes

Telephone keypad controls are designed to be used in conjunction with muting modes, to allow full control of your conference calls.

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